Gold Coast Golf Club
Ballinacourty, Dungarvan,
Co. Waterford.

Notes 13th January 2020

Gold Coast Golf Club Notes 13th January 2020


Here at the Gold Coast Golf Club we have a fantastic Gents Full Member rate for new members of only €450 inclusive of GUI fees. We also have a very attractive Gents Senior (65+) rate for new members which is only €350 including GUI fees.

For an application form or further information on our special introductory offers for new members, please contact Irene Lynch Director of Golf on 058 44055. We’d be delighted to welcome you to our Club.

The Gold Coast Golf Club is a championship Par 72 parkland course stretching 6785 yards and bordered by the Atlantic Ocean for 1.5 miles. With magnificent coastal vistas in tranquil surroundings, the scenery is spectacular with unrivalled views of Dungarvan Bay and Helvick Head.

We have great facilities here at the Gold Coast, a top class golf course maintained in excellent condition, outstanding greens and 18 holes open all year round.

Members can relax in the comfortable surroundings of our hotel bar and restaurant where there is delicious food served daily. We can also offer very attractive packages for dual membership to both the golf club and leisure centre and gym.


Membership fees are currently due. The following are the standard rates for 2020 inclusive of GUI fees.

Members are reminded that half the annual subscription is due on 1st January 2020 with the balance to be paid on or before 1st March 2020.

Subscriptions can be paid by standing order. Players already using standing orders will be required to renew for 2020. For members with lockers, a locker fee for 2020 of €20 is also due. For new members, GUI cards or replacement cards for existing members are €6. Golfers Insurance is available at €30 per person and must be paid by 1st March 2020. We look forward to receiving your renewal.

GENTS RATES (inclusive of GUI fees)

FULL: €600


HUSBAND and WIFE: €895


SENIOR: €460



*For Special introductory offers for new members, contact Irene Lynch Director of Golf on 058 44055.


To keep our greens in excellent condition we wish to make golfers mindful to please repair all pitch marks. Captains John and Anne issued an appeal this week via WhatsApp relating to this issue. If you have time, please refer to the video included in the message which shows the correct method for repairing a pitch mark. At this time of the year players should check for pitch marks regardless of how lightly your ball has landed on the green.

Also, golfers please check if you are leaving excessive footprints on the greens. If so, please refrain from wearing types of golf shoes that leave big indentations as it’s unfair on golfers playing after you. Thank you for your cooperation.


Week Eleven complete and how close the competition is becoming.   Most teams now have more than half their team with ten scores and every individual round takes on greater significance. The following is the situation of the teams just now with the number of games played by each team registered at the moment and their  overall points total:: Dungarvan 134; 4002,     Ballinacourty 131; 4000,       Nire / Tourneena 138; 4113,             Dunhill 143; 4221,     Abbeyside 145; 4227,    Copper Coast 135; 4026.

Thanks to our Captain, John White, for so generously sponsoring the Winter League again this year. All the individual scores for the league can be found on the Gold Coast Golf Club website, and are updated weekly.


Mon. 13th – Fri. 17th Jan. Winter League WK 12:

Tues. 14th Jan Open Gents/Ladies Seniors (50+) Singles

Friday 17th Jan Open Gents 18 Holes Singles:

Sat 18th, Sun.19th Jan Club Singles S/f Winter League WK 13


Mon. 6th – Fri. 10th Jan. Winter League WK 11:

1st        Thomas Power (15) 44pts.

2nd      Neil Dermody (6) 44pts.

Gross:    John White (3) 36pts.

CSS.      40pts.

Friday 10th Jan Open Gents 18 Holes Singles:

1st        Colin Lynch Waterford (8) 41pts.

Sat 11th, Sun.12th Jan Club Singles S/f Winter League WK 12

1st               John Flynn (8) 46pts.

Cat. 0-8:     Lar Whelan (7) 42pts.

Cat 9-13:    Liam Hansbury (13) 41pts.

Cat 14-16:  Ger Darcy (14) 42pts.

Cat 17+:      Joe Curran (22) 38pts.

CSS              39pts.


Every Tuesday we host our popular Open Seniors (50+) Gents and Ladies Singles competition.

Visitor Entry is 12 euro.  For bookings visit our club website or

phone 058 44055.


Every Friday at the Gold Coast we host an Open Gents Singles Stableford competition.  Visitor

Entry is 15 euro.  For bookings visit our club website or phone 058



Gold Coast Golf Club warmly welcome Societies and Green fees and we look forward to greeting

you and your guests and friends.  Bookings are being taken for 2020 and our society rates are very

competitive. Contact Irene Lynch our Director of Golf on 05844055 or for favourable rates and to discuss your booking requirements.  We

look forward to making your outing at the Goldcoast Golf Club a memorable one.


This exciting collaboration with the 360 Cookhouse Restaurant includes Golf for 2 at the Gold Coast Golf

Resort and a two course meal for 2 and arrival drinks at 360 Cookhouse for €99 per couple! It’s the ultimate

day out. Tickets are on sale at both venues and to find out more about our Golf at the Coast Combo contact

Gold Coast Golf Resort on (058)44055, email us at or Tel. 360 Cookhouse

on (058)44537 or email




Here at the Gold Coast Golf Club we have a fantastic Ladies Full Member Rate for new members of only €350 inclusive of ILGU fees. Also, we have a very attractive Ladies Senior (65+) Rate for new members of only €300 including ILGU fees.

For an application form or further information on our special introductory offers for new lady members please contact Irene Lynch Director of Golf on 058 44055. We’d be delighted to welcome you to our Club.

The following are the standard 2020 Ladies rates inclusive of ILGU fees

FULL: €440

HUSBAND and WIFE: €895






*For Special introductory offers for new members, contact Irene Lynch Director of Golf on 058 44055.

Membership fees are currently due. Subscriptions can be paid by standing order. Players already using standing orders will be required to renew for 2020. For members with lockers, a locker fee for 2020 of €20 is also due. For new members, GUI cards or replacement cards for existing members are €6. Golfers

Insurance is available at €30 per person and must be paid by 1 st March 2020. We look forward to receiving your renewal.


10 Hole on-going Competition

10 Hole Ladies W/league

18 Hole Men’s W/League

Team Results after Round 11

Liffey 678,               Suir 629,             Lee 610,                 Nore 559,                       Barrow 541,             Corrib 432,

Blackwater 424,         Shannon 404

Round 11 of the league has now been compiled and as per results above, there has been no great shake-up in the results as some players have already eliminated their worst scores.

The Liffey have retained first position with the Suir and the Lee in second and third position, there is still time to get your team in contention!!

As we are in the second half of the leagues we would ask all participants to support their teams by putting in their scores whether good or bad as low scores can be eliminated after 10 rounds. At this stage, some teams are putting in a supreme effort with some ladies having completed up to 15 rounds to date, this shows commitment to their teams and the concept of the winter league, well done ladies!!!

Senior Alliance/ Coastal alliance

The above Alliance games which were scheduled to be played in the Gold Coast before Christmas were cancelled due to inclement weather conditions will be re-scheduled in the New Year, dates to be advised.

Birthday Wishes

We would like to extend our very best wishes to DD who celebrated a very notable birthday during the week. DD has

been a wonderful member of the club from the day she joined, having held the position of captain, president and represented the club on many levels throughout her tenure. She is still a very active member and plays many days every week, going out in all weathers putting some of our younger members to shame!!

So, DD on this very special occasion, we wish you health and happiness for many years to come and celebrate in style, you deserve it!!!


Gold Coast Golf Club, Dungarvan

Gold Coast Golf Club, Dungarvan is a championship parkland course. There are unrivaled views of Dungarvan Bay, the Irish Sea and Helvick Head. Mature tree-lined fairways laid out in 1939 are cleverly mingled with the long and challenging newer holes.

18 holes, par 72, stretching 6,204 metres [6,785 yards] and bordered by the Atlantic Ocean for 1.5 miles.

Gold Coast Golf Club

County Waterford,

Post Code: X35 P868

Tel: (058)44055


Social Media

Website by: Déise Design