Gold Coast Golf Club
Ballinacourty, Dungarvan,
Co. Waterford.

Goldcoast Golf Club Notes 5th February 2023


This year’s winter league has now entered its 15th week. With all the teams making the most of the fine weather and St.Brigid’s bank holiday weekend, it looks like the battle is well and truly on for the top 6 qualifying playoff spots with flurries of rounds coming in. An interesting and exciting couple of weeks lie ahead with the League running until the 24th of February, so best of luck to all team captains and players.  The Quarter finals are set for Sunday 5th March with the semi-finals on the following Sunday March 12th.  The grand final is penciled in for Sunday 26th March. A huge thank you to our sponsor John White.

Prizes of Legs of Lamb will be awarded to all prize winners for winter league until end of February. Each prize winner will carry a 2-point penalty deduction towards further prize qualification until the end of the league. A player winning a second prize will be deducted 4 points etc. A player’s full score will count for the winter league.



Our Captains Michael Wall and Rosemary Murphy will take to the first tee on Sunday morning February 26th to get our golfing year underway here in the Gold Coast Golf Club for 2023.



Players need to be aware that you can’t for any reason mark your own card while playing your round of golf you must give your card to your playing partner who will mark your card and you will mark his/hers until round is complete. Only then will you get your card back to enter into the computer.



To keep our greens in excellent condition we wish to make golfers mindful to please repair all pitch marks. At this time of year, even small pitch shots into the green can damage the surface. Players are also reminded for the safety of others to continue to shout fore for errant shots.  Also good etiquette is advised regarding slow play and we ask players to be mindful of the pace of play on the golf course especially on busy days.  Please keep your position which is behind the group in front.  When in trouble or if necessary please call players through.  Thank you for your continued co-operation.



The golf notes that go out every week on the papers and online are for all members of the Club. If you have anything that you want shared on the notes, please contact me on 083 4862771 or Irene or Brian at the kiosk on 058 44055.



Members of the three local golf clubs Goldcoast, Dungarvan and West Waterford are reminded they can avail of reciprocal golf for only €15 greenfees on weekdays.  This is a great opportunity to play our neighbouring courses for fantastic value.  To make a booking please telephone the offices of the respective clubs.



Here at the Gold Coast Golf Club we have fantastic Introductory rates for new members:
New Gents member only €500 inclusive of Golf Ireland affiliation fee.
New Gents Senior (65+) only €400 inclusive of Golf Ireland affiliation fee.
New Lady member only €400 inclusive of Golf Ireland affiliation fee.
New Lady Senior (65+) only €350 inclusive of Golf Ireland affiliation fee.

For an application form or further information on our fees, please contact our Director of Golf Irene on or 058 44055



Gold Coast Golf Club warmly welcome Societies and Green fees and we look forward to greeting you and your friends in 2023. For favorable rates and to discuss your booking requirements contact Irene Lynch on 05844055 or



Mon 30th to Fri. 3rd Feb WL WK14

1st Nicky Dee (14) 45

2nd Tony Fitzgerald (17) 42-2=40

Gross John White (5) 35-2=33

3rd Mark Toman (10) 39


Tues 31st Jan Open Singles S/F

1st Tony Fitzgerald (17) 36

2nd Paddy Joe Barry (19) 36


Fr 3rd Feb Open Singles S/F

1st Tony Fitzgerald (17) 42


Sat 4th Sun 5th Feb WL WK 15

1st Mark Reynolds (12) 41pts

2nd Brian McGill (6) 40pts

Cat +1-7: Kieran Cullinane (5) 39pts

Cat 8-13: John W Walsh (11) 39pts

Cat 14-17: Darragh Power (14) 43-4=39pts

Cat 18-28: David O’Connor (18) 38pts



Mon 6th to Fri. 10th Feb WL WK15

Tues 7th Feb Open Singles S/F

Fr 10th Feb Open Singles S/F

Sat 11th Sun 12th Feb WL WK 16

Mon 13th to Fri. 17th Feb WL WK16





10 & 18 Hole Moorings Winter League

10 Hole Lamb Competition starting Mon 30th Jan

18 Hole On-going Competition starting Mon 27th Feb

Open 18 Hole Competition for Ladies and Gents every Tue and Friday



18 Hole Winter League Rd 7

1st Mary Kiely 41pts

2nd Olivere Walsh 40pts


10 Hole winter League Rd 4

1st Bridge Walsh 23pts

2nd Ruth Hannigan 21pts


Round 5

1st Brigid Coffey 24pts

2nd Gillian Cashman 25-3=22pts



Lahinch 1062

Powerscourt 1033

Old Head 979

Druids Glen 903

Dromoland 854

Ballybunion 842



1st Brigid Coffey 23pts

2nd Deirdre Ruane 19pts

3rd Margaret Mulhearne 17pts on C/B


There was another great turnout for our second outing of 2023 with great on-course conditions which brought in some fabulous scores!! Getting together for the cuppa was a must after the golf to discuss the highlights, lowlights and news of the day. We are still awaiting instructions on how to operate some of the various kitchen gadgets from last week, watch this space!!!! Many thanks to Anne for continuing to organise the event and presentation of wonderful prizes!



Our annual Mass for deceased members and friends took place on Thursday 2nd February in the presence of a large crowd at Gold Coast Hotel.

Fr.Ned Hassett conducted the ceremony and included all our deceased members in his prayers of remembrance for those no longer with us. Refreshments were served after Mass, which allowed a catch-up with members who are no longer active in the club.



The annual drive-in takes place on Sunday 26th February when our Captains Michael and Rosie will officially start the golfing season. Wishing them both the very best for their very special occasion and for their year ahead!!



Ladies, we have a new consignment of beautiful beanie hats now in stock, colours have been selected to compliment our new golf clothing additions which will keep you warm and smart for the winter season!! Our broad range of club clothing in mix and match colours make wonderful and useful gifts and are available from kiosk!!



Now that the weather has improved we hope it will encourage our members to the fairways again to complete their league games and get some practice in for the new golf season!! Well done to all who have put in a tremendous effort to date! Closing date for the league is Saturday 25th Feb



Teams have now been registered for the Inter Club matchplay events. Please contact our club secretary Miriam if interested in representing your club, players and subs are required. Golf lessons with a PGA Professional have been organised for players intending to

take part in inter club matches, and will be commencing soon – updates on the WhatsApp group.



Ladies, if you had ever thought of taking up golf, now is the time to do it, our Lady Captain Rosie and any committee member would be delighted to take out potential members and showcase our beautiful course and unrivalled scenery!! There are great deals on offer for new members and beginners including tuition, please contact our Director of Golf Irene or Brian in the kiosk on 058 44055 for more information.



Gold Coast Golf Club, Dungarvan

Gold Coast Golf Club, Dungarvan is a championship parkland course. There are unrivaled views of Dungarvan Bay, the Irish Sea and Helvick Head. Mature tree-lined fairways laid out in 1939 are cleverly mingled with the long and challenging newer holes.

18 holes, par 72, stretching 6,204 metres [6,785 yards] and bordered by the Atlantic Ocean for 1.5 miles.

Gold Coast Golf Club

County Waterford,

Post Code: X35 P868

Tel: (058)44055


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Website by: Déise Design