End of Season Dinner and Presentation:
The ‘End of Season’ Dinner will take place next Sunday 7th October at 6 p.m. in the Gold Coast. Following the sit-down meal the following prizes will be presented: Golfer of the Year, Order of Merit, Gold Coast Cup Singles Match-Play, Scratch Match-Play, Michael White Memorial Foursomes, Willie Barron Fourball, Mixed Foursomes.
Tickets for the event are available for pick up in the kiosk. Anyone who hasn’t picked them up can they do so before the weekend please.
Tickets issued to various winners, Winter League Captains, Team Selectors, Officers and Committee Tickets for the event can also be purchased in the kiosk. (€25p.p)
Golfer of the Year 2018:
Congratulations to Brian O’Connor on winning ‘Golfer of the Year 2018’.
Order of Merit:
This competition went down to the wire this year with Micheal White coming out on top by the narrowest of margins from John Kiely in second place. Well done to both players for a great year’s golf This competition rewards players who beat standard scratch during weekend competitions.
Club Match-Play Competitions:
Gold Coast Cup Final
Winner John White, runner up Tom White
Tom White with his” two partners” wins the Club Mixed Foursomes Matchplay for 2018
During the week the last Match Play final was played. Michael Kavanagh & Noirin Darcy took on Tom White & Mairead Ryan in the club Mixed Foursomes Final. Mairead who was deputising for the injured Angela O’Connor, who had partnered Tom in the three previous rounds, by all accounts stole the show and played majestic golf to help Tom claim the Mixed title for 2018.Well done to Tom, Mairead and Angela.
Michael White Foursomes Winners:
Winners Austin Kiely & Darren Power, runner up Seanie Lenihan & John Walsh
Scratch Cup Match-Play:
Winner Alan Harty, runner up Colin McArthur
Willie Barron Fourball Match-Play:
Austin Kiely & Tom Reynolds v Tommy Long & Brendan O’Connor
Winter League
Yes, it’s that time of the year again and preparations are now well under way for this year’s league which will begin in a month or so.
Anyone who hasn’t been contacted by a Winter League captain, can they contact the kiosk and leave their name and we’ll get them on a team
Tuesday: 2nd October: Open Seniors, Ladies & Gents 50+
Friday 5th October: Open 18 holes Singles.
Saturday 6th October: Club 18 holes Competition.
Sunday 7th October : 3 man scramble
Tuesday 9th October: Open Seniors, Ladies & Gents 50+
Tuesday 25th September: Open Seniors, CSS Gents 38 pts
1st: David Kiely(18) 40 pts
2nd: Freddie McGuckian(12) 38 pts.
1st Lady: Esther McGuckian(12) 41pts CSS 37pts
Thursday 27th September: South Munster Seniors CSS 39pts
1st(Category 0-15) Ger Harrington(14) 38pts Bantry Golf Club
1st(Category 16-20) Eamonn O’Connor(16) 38pts Macroom Golf Club
1st(Category 21+) Cormac McCarthy(21) 37pts Bantry Golf Club
Friday 28th September: Open Singles CSS 34 pts
1st: John Flynn(8) 33pts
Saturday 29th September: Club competition CSS 37pts
1st Micheal White(0) 39pts
Gross: Barry Power(5)33pts
Sunday 30th September: Gareth Taylor Memorial 18 Hole s/f, CSS 37pts
1st: John Hallinan(7) 42pts
2nd: Alan Harty(1) 41pts
Gross: Pat Power(6) 33pts
3rd: Brendan O’Brien (15) 40pts
10 hole on-going
18 hole 2 card competition sponsored by John Foley Images.
Ladies Club Classic:
Results next week
ILGU 125th Anniversary
To Celebrate the 125th Anniversary of the ILGU a complimentary golf day will take place in Killarney Golf Club on Oct 11th. It will be a team of 3 ladies led by Esther McGuckian. We wish them a great days golf.
End of Season Dinner:
The end of year dinner and presentation of prizes takes place on Sunday 7th October at 6pm, tickets available in kiosk for pick up.
Coastal Alliance:
The 2018/2019 Coastal Alliance will commence this Thursday and the first game to be played at Faithlegg Golf Club, tee times 9.30 – 11.00.
The next Coastal Alliance takes place here at the Gold Coast on Thursday 4th October
The dates for the other days out are as follows:
October 4th – Gold Coast
November 1st – Dunmore East
December 6th – West Waterford
March 7th – Tramore
April 4th – Dungarvan
To Register for year: E15.00, Green Fees: E10. For more details contact Breda Conway, new members welcome.
Club foursomes: Well done to Winners Ger Hallinan and Joan O’ Dea beating Ruth Hannigan and Alice Collins in the final
Winter League
The Winter League is commencing Monday 15th October and if you wish to participate in this most enjoyable golf over the winter months please see details in the kiosk and add your name to the list there.
Sheila Norris singles Matchplay:
Winner Mairead Ryan who had a great year, winning against her good friend Angela O’Connor.
Golfer of the Year
2018 Golfer of the year was won by Lorraine Troy who had a fabulous year and dropped her handicap to 14! Well done Lorraine!
A 9 hole beginners on-going competition has been set up for the ladies and would encourage them to get out there and enjoy the golf.
Next Committee meeting: Friday October 12th.