Gold Coast Golf Club
Ballinacourty, Dungarvan,
Co. Waterford.

Goldcoast Golf Club Notes 22nd May 2022


Seamus O’Connell’s Captain’s Prize will take place on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 3rd, 4th and 5th June. Booking for the qualifying rounds on Friday and Saturday is now open an will close at 16.30 on Wednesday 1st June when the draw for partners will take place. Please book a time that suits you and after the draw you should be playing within 20 min of the time you booked. Booking must be within the following times: Friday 13.15 to 16.23. Saturday 08.00 to 10.45 and 14.00 to 14.30.

You must be entered for the draw to be in with a chance of winning 1st prize. Once the draw is made members cannot change their times.


The final round is on Sunday 5th with a shotgun start at 10 am. With the top 42 players qualifying. Starting tees and partners will be posted on the timesheet at 9 p.m. on Saturday night.


Who can win the Captain’s Prize?

The following categories of players are eligible provided they have entered three counting competitions since the last Captain’s Prize: Full Members, Senior Members, Distance Members and Honorary Members.

Everybody who enters are eligible to win all other prizes.


How much does it cost to enter?

This year the entry fee is €25

What’s included? Entry to the Captain’s Prize, a drink and bar before 1st round and a meal after the final round which will be a choice of three different plates. All players are very welcome to attend meal and presentation of prizes, which will take place immediately after golf, around 2 p.m.


What else is happening?

On Wednesday 1st June both Captains will host a 9/10 hole scramble and BBQ with a shotgun start at 6 p.m. Entry fee is €3 Draw at 5.45 p.m.



The Club wishes to offer its sincerest condolences to Mark Lenihan, Siobhán, Michael, Seánie, Paul and extended families, on the death of their beloved mother and grandmother Bid.

The Club also wishes to offer its sincerest condolences to Brendan O’Brien and family on the death of his sister Deirdre Wade.

May they both rest in peace.



Work is continuing on the course with grass cutting around the new trees which have been planted of late, these must be cared for, so care is needed when playing your ball from near these, please check with kiosk for local rules. Also the steps on the tee boxes are been replaced to make it safe for all players and the sign on the 9th is been replaced, so in the mean times beware of players approaching from the 9th fairway while you are teeing off on the 7th.



Best of luck of to Bob and Liam and their team who play their next round of this competition against Youghal Golf Club on this Wednesday evening 25th May at 3 30pm anyone that can travel and support the team it would be greatly appreciated.



The following Cups and Shield matches are taking place this week.  We wish our team managers and players the very best of luck.  All support is welcome.


Fred Perry

Wednesday 25th May 3.30pm Goldcoast V’s Youghal, venue Youghal Golf Club


Junior Cup

Thursday 26th May 4.45pm: Goldcoast V’s Dungarvan, venue Dungarvan Golf Club


Pierce Purcell

Sat. 28th May 3.30pm: Goldcoast V’s Youghal, venue Youghal Golf Club



Sun. 29th May 11.10am: Goldcoast V’s West Waterford, venue West Waterford Golf Club



Games to played by 29th May. The line-up is follows Seanie Lenihan v Colin McAthur, Ger Bagge v Lee Crotty, Diarmuid Henley v Thomas Long, Neil Dermody v Declan Kiely, John White v Darren Williams, Tom White v Conor Clancy, Michael White v Peter O’ Keeffe.



Games to played by 12th June line up as follows Lee Crotty v Brian McGill, Tom White v Noel McCann Thomas Long v Peter O Keeffe, Pat Kiely v Diarmuid Henley, Declan Hallahan v Declan Kiely, Rafael Alvares v David Hallahan, John White v Nicky Dee.



Practice sessions for Pierce Purcell continue on Thursday evenings from 6pm. To be eligible handicap index must not have been lower than 10.5 in the period 1st July 2021 to 1st January 2022 if interested in playing please contact Michael Wall on 0872570716 or Brian Dunbar on 0876218733.



Here at the Gold Coast Golf Club we have fantastic Introductory rates for new members:
New Gents member only €500 inclusive of Golf Ireland affiliation fee.
New Gents Senior (65+) only €400 inclusive of Golf Ireland affiliation fee.
New Lady member only €400 inclusive of Golf Ireland affiliation fee.
New Lady Senior (65+) only €350 inclusive of Golf Ireland affiliation fee.

For an application form or further information on our fees, please contact our Director of Golf Irene on or 058 44055



The Ladies Club are organising a rules night presented by Golf Ireland officials on Thursday 26th May at 7.30p.m. in the Goldcoast Hotel.  All members are welcome to attend.  Please contact Rosie Murphy 083 8383787 to book a place.


Annual Subscriptions are now due, please contact Irene or Brian in the Kiosk.  Thank you to all members who have already paid.



Tues. 17th May, 2022

1st Cian O’Donovan Monkstown (11) 41

2nd Eddie Brophy (24) 38


Fri 20th May Open Singles S/F

1st Eddie Joynt Greystones (20) 37

2nd Freddie McGuckian (12) 34

Gross Mark Shanahan West Waterford (0) 33



Sat 21st Club

1st Fearghal O’Cuirin (10) 42

2nd David Doc O’Connor (6) 39

3rd Jake Moore (18) 38


Sat. Open Singles

1st Liam Hansbury (11) West Waterford 30pts


Sun. 22nd May Club Comp

1st John Enright (9) 41

2nd Darren O’Droma (6) 39

3rd Stephen Cliffe (5) 38

4th Frank Waters (19) 38


Sun 22nd May Open

1st Tom Healy New Ross (6) 34pts



Tues. 24th May Open Gents Singles S/F

Fri. 27th May Open Gents Singles S/F

Sat. 28th Club Comp. Open Gents Singles

Sun 29th Club Comp. Open Gents Singles

Tues. 31st Open Gents Singles S/F



Gold Coast Golf Club warmly welcome Societies and Green fees and we look forward to greeting you and your guests and friends in 2022. For bookings contact Irene Lynch our Director of Golf on 05844055 or for favourable rates and to discuss your booking requirements.




10 Hole On-going Competition

18 Hole On-going 2 card Competition

Sat/Sun 28/29 May 18 Hole Club Competition

Wed 01 June Captain’s Scramble @ 6pm

Sat/Sun 11/12 June 18 Hole sponsored by Deise Golf

Sat/Sun 25/26 June 18 Hole (GOY) sponsored by Helvick Seafood

18 Hole Open Competition for Ladies and Gents every

Tue and Friday



The Lady Captain Isobel, Lady President Ger, committee and members wish to convey their sincerest sympathies to Mark Lenihan and family on the sad passing of his mother Bid, and to Bob O’Brien and family on the untimely passing of his sister Deirdre Wade. May they both rest in peace.



A Rules night has been arranged for Thursday 26th May @ 7.30pm and will be hosted by 2 Golf Ireland officials. Points of interest will be the changing and amendments of the rules plus other aspects of the game. A Q&A session will take place afterwards for all queries relating to the game. Please attend if possible to inform yourselves of the changing patterns and handicap issues which can be very confusing for many!! Please inform a member of committee if you are attending.



Wishing the very best of luck to all of our team members and managers who are participating in our Inter Club Leagues in the coming weeks. Support for both home and away matches would be greatly appreciated.



Well done to our Ladies Senior Cup team who represented us proudly in Douglas on Sunday.  Our ladies were defeated by an exceptionally strong Douglas team on their home turf.  The golf played was at the highest level and thank you to our players, manager and supporters for all their efforts.  We thank Douglas for the sporting game and wish them well as they progress in the tournament.



The above event is fast approaching and those interested in playing should add their names to sheet posted in kiosk.



Our Captain’s scramble will take place on Wed 1st June @ 6pm with delicious BBQ to follow. Our resident chef Maurice will be in charge of the cooking, so we will be assured of lip-smacking burgers and other treats!!  Please come along for this fun night of crazy golf, great food and lots of banter, not to be missed!!



The Captain’s weekend which is being hosted by our Captains Seamus and Isobel over the June Bank Holiday is fast approaching and both the ladies and men are recording some fantastic scores in an effort to claim the penultimate prize of the golfing season.

Our hardworking and efficient Lady Captain Isobel has left no stone unturned since she took up office and we can be assured that her weekend will be fantastic!!

There are designated slots on Friday and Saturday to play the first round and a slot from 4pm on Saturday for those playing the 9 Hole event. The final on Sunday will be a shotgun start for the qualifying players. Food will be served in the Dugout Bar and Presentation of Prizes will take place immediately afterwards in the underground carpark.

We wish both Isobel and Seamus the very best for the upcoming event and hope the sun shines bright on them for the occasion!! Here’s to a fun weekend for everyone!!



Our outing this year will be to Faithlegg GC on Sat 9th July, estimated cost will be €50 to include golf and meal, buggies will be available to hire @ €30 per buggy.

If you would like a really fun day out, please add your name to sheet on notice board in computer room.



Our dates for upcoming team events are as follows:

Sun 19th June – Tee 1.00 – 5.30pm

3 Ball Team Event

Mon 18th July, 3 Ball Team Event

Mon 15th Aug, 3 Ball Team Event

Mon 19th Sept.3 Ball Team Event

Visitor entry €20 on Sunday, €15 on Mondays

H/Cap limit 36



Golf Ireland guidelines have stated that all 3 handicaps must be recorded on cards for competition and casual rounds for handicap purposes. To avoid disqualification you must record your h/cap index, playing h/cap and most importantly the course h/cap, all of these are available on the Golf Ireland app and also on screen when you log in for competitions. It is also important not to enter a zero for stableford competitions as it interferes with standard scratch, if you blank a hole just record the shots as the computer will adjust accordingly. All scores must be recorded by the marker and signed in agreement with the player before being returned no later than 30mins after you finish your round.



Ladies, if you had ever thought of taking up golf, now is the time to do it, our Lady Captain Isobel and any committee member would be delighted to take out potential members and showcase our beautiful course

and unrivalled scenery!! There are great deals on offer for new members and beginners including tuition, please contact our Director of Golf Irene or Brian in the kiosk on 058 44055 for more information.


Gold Coast Golf Club, Dungarvan

Gold Coast Golf Club, Dungarvan is a championship parkland course. There are unrivaled views of Dungarvan Bay, the Irish Sea and Helvick Head. Mature tree-lined fairways laid out in 1939 are cleverly mingled with the long and challenging newer holes.

18 holes, par 72, stretching 6,204 metres [6,785 yards] and bordered by the Atlantic Ocean for 1.5 miles.

Gold Coast Golf Club

County Waterford,

Post Code: X35 P868

Tel: (058)44055


Social Media

Website by: Déise Design