Annual Subscriptions are currently due. Thank you to all members who have already paid. An information email was forwarded to members in March advising of the rates and payment methods etc. If you were not in receipt of an email or your email address has changed please let the office know so we can update our database. Thank you for your continued support.
Golf Ireland has introduced a new policy whereby Golf Clubs will pay affiliation fees based on membership levels from 1st June. In respect of this, members who do not have any portion of their membership currently paid risk losing their Golf Ireland affiliation. To bring you membership up to date please contact the Kiosk without delay. Thank you for your co-operation.
Our very popular Captain Michael Wall will hold his Captains weekend on the weekend of 16th June 2023 with Qualifiers taking place on Friday and Saturday and the final on Sunday the 18th. Eligibility conditions to be announced this week. The Captains Scramble will be held on Sunday 11th June.
As a courtesy to officials checking scorecards in stableford competitions, we would greatly appreciate if members and visitors would record their stableford points opposite gross score on the scorecard. Please also ensure your computer input corresponds with your scorecard to prevent any inaccuracies, many thanks for your cooperation.
Please note the Men’s club policy when playing non-competitive general play rounds that are returned for handicap purposes. A fee of €5 is to be paid at the Kiosk prior to your round or submitted into the scorecard box in an envelope with your name and date when the office is closed or unattended. Members are required to pre-register the round via the Golf Ireland App and following return of the score it must be attested by your marker on their Golf Ireland App. Please return the signed physical scorecard clearly marked General Play as normal into the scorecard box. Members cannot play handicap counting general play rounds on competition days. There is no charge for members playing initial rounds to obtain a club handicap or playing leisurely social golf.
Our dress code for the Gold Coast is slacks and polo shirts. Please note sports jerseys, jeans and track suit bottoms are unacceptable on the golf course. Thank you for your adherence.
Here at the Goldcoast Golf Club we have fantastic Introductory rates for new members.
Our membership season runs from 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024. Our championship golf course is maintained in excellent condition offering superb playability, with 18 holes open all year round. Our pristine greens are much admired and the scenery is spectacular with unrivalled views of Dungarvan Bay, the Irish Sea and Helvick Head.
Members can relax in the comfortable surroundings of our hotel bar and restaurant where delicious food is served by our friendly staff. We can also offer very attractive packages for dual membership to both the golf club and leisure centre.
New Gents member only €500 inclusive of Golf Ireland affiliation fee.
New Gents Senior (65+) only €400 inclusive of Golf Ireland affiliation fee.
New Lady member only €400 inclusive of Golf Ireland affiliation fee.
New Lady Senior (65+) only €350 inclusive of Golf Ireland affiliation fee.
For an application form or further information on our fees, please contact our Director of Golf Irene on or 058 44055
Gold Coast Golf Club warmly welcome Societies and Green fees and we look forward to greeting you and your friends in 2023. For favorable rates and to discuss your booking requirements contact Irene Lynch on 05844055 or
Tues 16th May Open Singles S/F
1st Dermott Kelly (20) 39
2nd Connor Roche (13) Faithlegg 37
3rd Peter Firth (8) Dungarvan 36
Fri. 19th May Open Singles S/F
1st Kieran Power Callan (12) 43
2nd Barry O’Connor Courtown (14) 40
Gross Mark Shanahan (+1) 38
Sat 20th May Club Comp
1st Adam O’Riordan (15) 42
2nd David Hallahan (7) 41
3rd David O’Connor (8) 41
Sat. 20th Open Gents Singles S/F
1st Darren Nolan Corrstown (24) 43
Sun 21st May club comp
1st John Enright (8) 40
2nd Kieran Cullinan (6) 40
3rd Conor Clancy (6) 39
4th Michael White (+1) 39
5th Kevin Walsh (6) 39
Sun Open Gents Singles S/F
1st Richard Condon Gowran Park (18) 40
Tues 23rd May Open Singles S/F
Fr 26th May Open Singles S/F
Sat 27th May Club Comp, Open Comp
Sun 28th May Club Comp, Open Comp
10 & 16 Hole On-going Competition
9 Hole Gold Coasters Competition every Thursday
Open 18 Hole Competition for Ladies and Gents every Tue and Friday
27/28 May Captain’s Prize to Ladies (GOY)
03/04 June Comeragh Vetinerary
10/11 June 18 Hole S/F Club Competition
Captain’s Prize Weekend 16/17/18 June 2023
Open 3 Ball scramble sponsored by Comserv
1st Bridge Walsh, Deirdre O’Neill, Cathy O’Gorman 94pts
2nd Rosie Murphy, Inseun Kim, Isobel Kirwan 93pts
3rd Karen Darcy, Noirin Darcy, Katie Kiely 91pts
18 Hole S/F Ballinasisla Stud
1st Breda Veale 39pts on C/B
2nd Rosie Murphy 39pts
3rd Emma Fortune 37pts on C/B from Julie Lawlor
Gold Coasters Scramble
Deirdre Ruane, Margaret Mulhearne, Anne Keane, Brigid Coffey 26.25
Lady Captain Rosie and members wish to convey their very best wishes to DD Hannigan who has been hospitalised, but reportedly doing very well!! Hope you feel better soon DD and looking forward to seeing you on the fairways shortly!
The final of the Eileen Murphy Trophy takes place in September in Cork Golf Club. The format of the competition is a Greensomes foursomes format, and qualifying rounds will take place to send the winners to the final.
The qualifying rounds start on Sat 20th May and handicap limit is 36 with stepdown if necessary. Entry is €3 per round, and we would encourage our ladies to play with
as many partners as possible and make it a sociable event!!
A new Facebook page has been launched by both men’s and ladies clubs, thanks a mill to Leanne who is spearheading the ladies section. Please like and share all posts!!
Wed 21st June
“ 26th July
“ 16th August
The 3 ball team events which will be a mix of champagne scrambles, rumbles and formats which favours many golfers will run through the summer months. Looking forward to seeing our neighbouring club ladies and fellow golfers to our open days, bookings are online or contacting Irene or Brian on 058 44055
The midweek golf has proved to be very popular as the weather is improving with the course in outstanding condition!! All members new and longstanding are welcome to join us, and there is no handicap limit. We play a 9 Hole singles each week with the exception of a monthly scramble which is proving very popular with everyone!!
Many thanks to Anne for continuing to organise the event with presentation of the most wonderful prizes each week!!
Our foursomes team under the guidance of their manager Elaine who had a nail biting victory over Thurles GC recently, took on our neighbours West Waterford on Sunday 21st May on home territory. To say that our ladies were on fire is testament to the fabulous golf played by all pairings!! Manager Elaine had a running commentary on the WhatsApp group, keeping everybody informed from tee to green of the current standings at time of posting!!
The calibre of golf from our girls was such that matches were won on the 13th and 15th respectively and the all square match called in, fantastic result!! Thanks to the members who came to support their team, it was much appreciated. The next leg of the tournament will be on home course against Waterford Castle on a date to be confirmed.
Karen Darcy & Leanne Bumster
Ger Hallinan & Martina Corkery
Katie Kiely & Mairead Ryan
Team Manager : Elaine Nash
We would like to ask our players to please repair pitch marks on the greens, even if they are not your own!! Also please rake bunkers, now that they are back in play.
Our mixed foursomes team are limbering up to take on their next challenge after their victorious win over Clonmel GC recently. It has just been announced that they meet Tramore on their home course on Sat 10th June. Support for the team would be much appreciated on the day!!
Wishing our team members and managers John and Aisling the very best of luck for their upcoming match!!
Our Handicap secretary and committee are meeting on a regular basis to discuss the input from the ladies in accordance to their handicaps. A review will be on-going throughout the year in relation to above decision.
Ladies, if you had ever thought of taking up golf, now is the time to do it, our Lady Captain Rosie and any committee member would be delighted to take out potential members and showcase our beautiful course and unrivalled scenery!! There are great deals on offer for new members and beginners including tuition, please contact our Director of Golf Irene or Brian in the kiosk on 058 44055 for more information.