Gold Coast Golf Club
Ballinacourty, Dungarvan,
Co. Waterford.

Goldcoast Golf Club Notes 20th November 2022


This year’s winter league is in full swing and off to a great start with up on 400 games played to date despite inclement weather at times.  The League runs until the 10th February 2023 so there is plenty opportunity to get in the required rounds. The format this year is 9 teams of 12 players with 10 rounds to be played. 6 teams out of the 9 will go through to the play offs. We ask that all players write the name of their team on the cards to make it easy for the kiosk staff to add your score to the spreadsheet. A huge thank you again to our sponsor John White. It promises to be a very competitive winter league, scores can be viewed weekly on club website news section.  Best of luck to the 9 Captains and their teams.



Congratulations to Gary Hurley on securing his tour card in the Q school in Spain last week.  The West Waterford man’s progression this season has been remarkable and breaking into the main tour is a massive achievement.  The Hurley and Ware families must be so proud and we all look forward to following Gary’s progress next season.  Well done Gary, an exciting challenge lies ahead and we wish you continued success.



To keep our greens in excellent condition we wish to make golfers mindful to please repair all pitch marks.  At this time of year, even small pitch shots into the green can damage the surface.  To bring extra focus on repairing these marks, greens have been assigned to each of the Gents Winter League teams as follows:

1st and 10th Green: Abbeyside

2nd and 11th Green: An Rinn

3rd and 12th Green: Ballinacourty

4th and 13th Green: Comeragh

5th and 14th Green: Cork

6th and 15th Green: Dungarvan

7th and 16th Green: Dunhill

8th and 17th Green: Nire/Tourneena

9th and 18th Green: Stradbally

Thank you for your continued co-operation.



Winter rules are in play so it is marking and placing within 6 inches no nearer the hole on both fairways and rough. Bunkers are also GUR for the duration of Winter League. Please check with kiosk staff for further updates.



The Gold coast Golf Club are delighted again to be associated with the Lions Club Christmas Appeal and our Lions Club week will run from Mon. 28th November to Sunday 4th December. All members will be encouraged to come along and play and contribute by entering competitions or buying raffle tickets. Raffle Prizes include a Drinks Hamper, Christmas Hamper, Turkey, Ham and various other prizes.  Your support will help raise much needed funds to help those less well off in our society. The Gold coast members have always been generous in their support and we know this will continue again this year for this very worthy cause.



From 31st March 2022 an automated process will be put in place to apply an automatic penalty score if a score is pre-registered but not submitted. This rule applies to both General Play and official Competitions. The player is now totally responsible for submitting their score once it has been pre-registered. If they fail to do so without providing the committee with a valid reason, an automated penalty score will be applied. Mandatory Handicap on Scorecards. From 31st March 2022, Golf Ireland requires that the player’s Handicap Index is verified before playing and is the required handicap on a scorecard



Mon 14th to Fri. 18th Nov WL WK3

1st Jim Harty (15) 41

2nd Tony Ftizgerald (19) 41

Gross Neil Dermody (1) 36

3rd Declan Hallahan (14) 41


Tues 15th November 2022

1st Thomas Blache Slievenamon (14) 42

2nd Anthony Phelan Cahir (7) 39


Fr 18th Nov Open Singles S/F

1st Jim Harty (15) 41

Gross Conor Clancy (5) 31


Sat. 19th, Sun 20th WL WK 4

1st Jimmy O’Dwyer (11) 46

2nd Darren Power (14) 44

3rd Neil Dermody (1) 43

4th Ian Prendergast (3) 42

Cat +1-7: Colin McArthur (5) 42

Cat 8-13: Nathan O’Connor (11) 39

Cat 14-17: Brendan Coughlan (15) 41

Cat 18-28: Tony Fitzgerald (19) 42



Mon 21st to Fri. 25th Nov WL WK4

Tues 22nd Open Singles S/F

Fr 25th Nov Open Singles S/F

Sat. 26th, Sun 27th WL WK 5

Mon 28th to Fri. 2nd Dec WL WK5

Tues 29th Nov Open Singles S/F



Here at the Gold Coast Golf Club we have fantastic Introductory rates for new members: New Gents member only €500 inclusive of Golf Ireland affiliation fee. New Gents Senior (65+) only €400 inclusive of Golf Ireland affiliation fee. New Lady member only €400 inclusive of Golf Ireland affiliation fee. New Lady Senior (65+) only €350 inclusive of Golf Ireland affiliation fee.

For an application form or further information on our fees, please contact our Director of Golf Irene on or 058 44055



Gold Coast Golf Club warmly welcome Societies and Green fees and we look forward to greeting you and your guests and friends. For bookings contact Irene Lynch our Director of Golf on 05844055 or for favorable rates and to discuss your booking requirements.





10&18 Hole Moorings Winter League

13 Hole Ham competition (21st Nov-18th Dec)

10 Hole Christmas Scramble – Sun 4th Dec

Open 18 Hole Competition for Ladies and Gents every Tue and Friday



Winter League

18 Hole Rd 1 Ger Hallinan 42pts

18 Hole Rd 2 Irene Lynch 39pts

10Hole Rd 1 Deirdre Ruane 21pts


Gold Coasters

1st Margaret Mulhearne 17pts

2nd Bernie Morrissey 14pts on C/B

3rd Rita Thompson 14pts



This year we are running a 13 Hole Ham competition starting on Monday 21 Nov – 18 Dec, entry €3 in kiosk.



Our Winter League, again kindly sponsored by the Moorings Bar & Restaurant is well underway with almost 100 games played in less than 3 weeks showing the commitment of the team members. Entries are picking up with players taking advantage of the good days, the course is in great condition considering the inclemency of the weather.  Hopefully it will be kinder to us in the next few weeks to keep the league running to its full potential!!

Well done to all who have put in a tremendous effort to date!



The midweek 9 Hole is attracting a very healthy and vibrant group, both new and long term members coming together for a social outing with a cuppa and catch-up afterwards. This week saw the return of Rita from her holiday in the states playing golf with her nephew Seamus Power!! She must have got some tips from Seamus as she played lovely golf to be placed in the prizes. Well done Rita and to all who featured, our next outing will be Thur 24th Nov at 12.00. This is an ideal opportunity to play the 10 Hole Winter League in conjunction with the competition of the day. Registration is 12pm on the day with Anne or Mary. Please support, as these midweek events are fantastic to keep you swinging and enjoying the game!!



Our AGM took place on Friday 18th November in the Gold Coast Hotel with a nice turnout of ladies in attendance. Proceedings were opened by our outgoing Lady Captain Isobel, thanking everyone for attending and handing over to the ever-efficient Elaine for her secretary’s report which was very informative and covered everything throughout the year. Our wonderful treasurer Mairead who has agreed to stay in the position gave her report of our finances which are very healthy indeed. Thanks a mill Mairead, we know we are in good hands!!

Isobel spoke of her year as Captain and her enjoyment of serving in the position and thanked her fabulous committee and members who made her year so

pleasurable!! Rosie was welcomed to the role of Captain with best wishes for the year ahead and given her pin by outgoing Captain Isobel. Rosie accepted her position very graciously and endeavored to do her best for the club and members. In her conclusion, she spoke very highly of Isobel and the wonderful year we had with her at the helm which received a resounding round of applause. Isobel’s attention to detail with everything she touched throughout the year was phenomenal and we thank her most sincerely, she did a marvelous job!! Well Done!

We are very fortunate to retain our young and vibrant committee again this year, with a minor cabinet reshuffle. Our Secretary Elaine is now our Vice Captain, and Miriam has taken the role of Secretary, our incoming President is Eilo and we welcome Leanne onto the committee to replace Angela. We would like to thank our outgoing committee members for their work throughout the year and wish the new officers and committee the very best for the year ahead.



Lady Captain: Rosie Murphy

Vice Captain:. Elaine Nash

L.Pres: Eilo Fitzgerald

Hon. Sec: Miriam Matthews

Treasurer: Mairead Ryan

H/cap Sec: Mary Kiely

PRO: Breda Conway

Ex Officios: Isobel Kirwan & Ger Hallinan

Committee: Bernie Morrissey, Alice Collins, Gillian Cashman, Mary Fennell, Leanne Bumster.



As with previous years, our club is again appealing to its members to remember those less fortunate for the forthcoming festive season. The ladies and men’s clubs will be donating all the entries from competitions and participating in the raffle for the beautiful hampers and other prizes donated by members, to which we are entirely grateful!! Tickets will be on sale in the kiosk, please support.



Ladies, if you had ever thought of taking up golf, now is the time to do it, our Lady Captain Isobel and any committee member would be delighted to take out potential members and showcase our beautiful course and unrivalled scenery!! There are great deals on offer for new members and beginners including tuition, please contact our Director of Golf Irene or Brian in the kiosk on 058 44055 for more information.

Gold Coast Golf Club, Dungarvan

Gold Coast Golf Club, Dungarvan is a championship parkland course. There are unrivaled views of Dungarvan Bay, the Irish Sea and Helvick Head. Mature tree-lined fairways laid out in 1939 are cleverly mingled with the long and challenging newer holes.

18 holes, par 72, stretching 6,204 metres [6,785 yards] and bordered by the Atlantic Ocean for 1.5 miles.

Gold Coast Golf Club

County Waterford,

Post Code: X35 P868

Tel: (058)44055


Social Media

Website by: Déise Design