Gold Coast Golf Club
Ballinacourty, Dungarvan,
Co. Waterford.

Notes 9th December

Gold Coast Golf Club Notes 9th December 2019


Wondering what to get that special someone this Christmas?

Gold Coast “Gift Vouchers” are the ideal Christmas gift and can be purchased from the Hotel or Golf Office for any

amount and can be redeemed against any of the following:

2020 GOLF MEMBERSHIP VOUCHERS:   Special introductory rates for new golfers. New Full Member €450 and new Over 65’s just €350, including all levies

GREEN FEES and SOCIETIES VOUCHERS:   Green fees and Society Bookings are being taken for 2020. Preferential group rates available.

OPEN COMPETITIONS VOUCHERS: Tuesdays Open Ladies and Gents Seniors (50+) €12 entry, Fridays Open Gents Singles €15 entry


For further information on Green fees, Societies, Open Days or Membership contact Irene Lynch, Director of Golf.

Tel. 058 44055 Email: Website:


Week Six/Seven complete and nine players have now played ten games, or more, for their teams.   The number of games played by each team registered at the moment is as follows: Dungarvan 97 (2 x 10), Ballinacourty 87 (1 x 10), Nire / Tourneena 89 (1 x 10), Dunhill 96 (3 x 10), Abbeyside 102 (2 x 10), Copper Coast 74 (no player has 10 games). These figures are just a snapshot at the minute. So much changes as more people get to 10 games and then aim to better their scores.

Thanks to our Captain, John White, for so generously sponsoring the Winter League again this year. All the individual scores for the league can be found on the Gold Coast Golf Club website, and are updated weekly.



This exciting collaboration with the 360 Cookhouse Restaurant includes Golf for 2 at the Gold Coast Golf Resort and a two course meal for 2 and arrival drinks at 360 Cookhouse for €99 per couple! It’s the ultimate day out. Tickets are on sale at both venues and to find out more about our Golf at the Coast Combo contact Gold Coast Golf Resort on (058)44055, email us at or Tel. 360 Cookhouse on (058)44537 or email


From now to Christmas the 10 Hole competitions will be for hams. Entry fee is €3.



Mon. 9th – Fri. 13th Dec. Winter League WK 7

Tuesday 10th Dec Open Gents/Ladies Seniors (50+) Singles

Friday 13th Dec Open Gents 18 Holes Singles:

Sat 14th, Sun. 15th Dec Club Singles S/f Winter League WK 8

Tues. 17th Dec Open Gents/Ladies Seniors (50+) Singles



Mon. 2nd – Fri. 6th Dec. Winter League WK 6 Proceeds to Lions Club Christmas Appeal

Tuesday 3rd Dec Open Gents/Ladies Seniors (50+) Singles:

1st        Jim Kirwan (14) 40pts

2nd      Bobby Fitzpatrick(13) 40pts

3rd      Thomas Butler, Dungarvan (15) 39pts.

Friday 6 th Dec Open Gents 18 Holes Singles:

1st      Melvin Archer Wexford (20) 39pts

Sat 7th, Sun. 8th Dec Club Singles S/f Winter League WK 7 Proceeds to Lions Club Christmas Appeal

1st                Brian Fahey (9) 42pts

Cat 0-8:      David O’Connor (6) 40pts

Cat 9-13:    Nicky Dee (11) 40pts

Cat 14-16:  Patrick Queally (16) 40pts

Cat 17+:     Liam Clancy (17) 38pts

CSS              39 pts



Every Tuesday we host our popular Open Seniors (50+) Gents and Ladies Singles competition.

Visitor Entry is 12 euro.  For bookings visit our club website or

phone 058 44055.



Every Friday at the Gold Coast we host an Open Gents Singles Stableford competition.  Visitor

Entry is 15 euro.  For bookings visit our club website or phone 058




Gold Coast Golf Club warmly welcome Societies and Green fees and we look forward to greeting

you and your guests and friends.  Bookings are being taken for 2020 and our society rates are very

competitive. Contact Irene Lynch our Director of Golf on 05844055 or for favourable rates and to discuss your booking requirements.  We

look forward to making your outing at the Goldcoast Golf Club a memorable one.




10 Hole Ham Competition

10 Hole Ladies W/league

18 Hole Men’s W/League


Results of Moorings Winter League

Team Results after Rd4

Nore    281

Suir      279

Liffey    268

Barrow 262

Lee        257

Corrib    235

Blackwater  225

Shannon      200

As we are approaching midway in the leagues we would ask all participants to support their teams by putting in their scores whether good or bad as low scores can be eliminated after 10 rounds. At this stage, some teams are putting in a supreme effort with some ladies having completed their 10 rounds already, this shows commitment to their teams and the concept of the winter league, well done ladies!!!


Senior Alliance

Our Senior Alliance ladies took to the fairways in Tramore GC on Tuesday 3rd Dec in perfect golfing conditions and did not come home empty handed!! Our Director of Golf Irene brought home the gross prize, playing off a handicap of 7 with 28gross pts and Esther playing off a handicap of 11 came in 3rd position with 36pts, well done to you both!!


Coastal Alliance

The Coastal Alliance Christmas outing was held in West Waterford on Thursday 5 th Dec in cloudy but dry conditions with the course playing great for the time of year. The turnout was quite poor, but that did not deter those that turned up, the prizes were fabulous and Liam served up a traditional Christmas dinner including dessert, tea/coffee which was fantastic. Well done to Bridget and her committee for a great day out!!


Christmas Scramble

The annual festive scramble took place on Sunday Dec 1st in dry and sunny conditions with a large entry including our beginners and everyone having a ball. Presentation of prizes took place in the 360 Cookhouse later that evening after a sumptuous meal served by their very efficient staff. Well Done to our Lady Captain Anne and Lady Vice Captain Isobel for their organisational skills in running the entire event, a fab day ladies!!


Hole In One

On Tuesday 3rd Dec one of our ladies secured a hole in one on the 8th , well done and congrats Josephine. Enjoy!!


Christmas Ham Competition

Our annual Xmas competition has now started and is running until the second/third week of December and for a mere €3 entry you may be gracing your table with a delicious ham!!

Gold Coast Golf Club, Dungarvan

Gold Coast Golf Club, Dungarvan is a championship parkland course. There are unrivaled views of Dungarvan Bay, the Irish Sea and Helvick Head. Mature tree-lined fairways laid out in 1939 are cleverly mingled with the long and challenging newer holes.

18 holes, par 72, stretching 6,204 metres [6,785 yards] and bordered by the Atlantic Ocean for 1.5 miles.

Gold Coast Golf Club

County Waterford,

Post Code: X35 P868

Tel: (058)44055


Social Media

Website by: Déise Design