Gold Coast Golf Club
Ballinacourty, Dungarvan,
Co. Waterford.

Goldcoast Golf Club Notes 13th November 2021


The Men’s Club AGM took place last Sunday 14th November, first up was the end of year presentation.  A full list of prize winners will be in next weeks notes.

We then had the start of the meeting and our President Brian got things under way.  He called on Captain John to make his end of year speech, which he delivered to the meeting in a professional manner.  John spoke very highly of the late John McGrath, founder of our beautiful club, he described him as a true friend and that he called to see him on the weekend of his Captain’s prize to wish him well which meant so much to him.  He thanked President Brian Dunbar for all his help over the last two years. He also thanked Mark, Irene and Brian in the kiosk and Bob O’Brien for all his help with photos. He thanked Rob and all his ground staff for the ongoing maintenance and the drainage work that had been carried out on the course this year. He gave a special mention to all the team captains that looked after teams during the year.  He then wished the incoming Captain and President all the best for 2022.

On a personal level I would like to wish John and Brian a relaxing year of golf and thank them for all their hard work over the last two years.

Our Secretary Johnny Hughes gave a well prepared report as always from our last AGM back in 2019.  He spoke about the changes to the club constitution which was prepared back in 1997 by John Murphy and John McGrath and he thanked Martin Murray, Bob O’ Brien, Mark Lenihan and the two ladies from the ladies Club for all their hard work in getting it prepared for the meeting so members could vote on it. It was voted in with no objections.

Next up was our Treasurer Maurice Fennell who also gave a well presented finance report showing the club in a good state of affairs. We then had the election of officers for 2022: Captain Seamus O’Connell, President Frank Mulvihill, Vice Captain Michael Wall, Secretary Johnny Hughes, Treasurer Maurice Fennell, P.R.O. Nicholas Power, Handicap Secretary Martin Morris, Ex-Officios John White and Brian Dunbar, Committee Members Mark Lenihan, Brian Fahey and Bob O Brien.



This year’s winter league is now up and running with competitions on Saturday/Sunday and Monday to Friday weekly.  Week one scores for week ending 12th November are displayed in the news section of the Club website.

A lot of players have got their first few rounds in of the ten plus required, with from now to the 28th Jan 2022 remaining to get in as many rounds as possible with ten the minimum requirement.  On your scorecard please record your Team Name, your points at every hole and Total score in the Result box.  The top eight teams will then go through to the quarterfinals in February 2022.  Enjoy and best of luck to all participants.



Results first round Dungarvan Golf Club.

1st Percy Walsh West Waterford 42pts

2nd Liam Hansbury West Waterford 41pt

Gross Richie Condon 33pts

4th Alan Darcy Gold Coast 41pts

5th Phil Kinsella West Waterford 39pts

Back 9 Sean McGovern Dungarvan 20pts.

Next Round is on in the Gold Coast Golf Club This Sunday 21st Nov. If anyone is interested in playing please contact Alan Darcy on 087 6987387.



Winter Rules are in operation on the course so it’s placing on both fairways and rough.  Please check Kiosk for additional local rules.



Work on the approach road to the club is still continuing and remains closed. Please follow the diversion route, local access only.



Mon 8th – Fri 12th Nov ’21 WL WK 1

1st Tony Keaver (21) 48

2nd Sean O’Ciarba (19) 44

Gross Michael White (0) 41

3rd Nicholas Keane (21) 42

4th Joe Curran (24) 42

5th John D Walsh (23) 42


Tues. 9th Nov Open Singles

1st Tony Keaver (21) 48

2nd Sean O’Ciarba (19) 44

1st Lady June Whyte (18) West Waterford 37


Fri. 12th Nov Open Singles

1st Matt Ryan Rathcore (19) 41

1st Lady Irene Lynch (7) 37


Sat. Open Singles 13th Nov

1st Eoin Brackett Dungarvan (5) 39pts


Sat 13th & Sun. 14th WL WK 2

1st Pat Kiely (20) 45

2nd Peter Hayes (17) 44

3rd Liam Grace (11) 43

Cat. 0-8: Lar Whelan (7) 42

Cat. 9-14: Declan Kiely (12) 42

Cat. 15-18: Andrew Travers (18) 42

Cat. 18+: Kealan Walsh (20) 43



Mon 15th to Fri. 12th WK WK 2

Tues. 16th Nov Open Gents & Ladies Singles S/F

Fri.19th Nov Open Gents & Ladies Singles S/F

Sat. 20th, Sun. 21st Winter League WK 3, Open Gents Singles

Mon 22nd to Fri. 26th Winter League WK 3

Tues. 23rd Nov Open Gents & Ladies Singles S/F





10 Hole On-going Competition

10 Hole Ladies Winter League

18 Hole Mens Winter League

18 Hole Open Competition for Ladies and Gents every Tue and Friday



Ladies Winter league Results

Wk 1 – Irene Lynch 22pts, Bernie Morrissey 21pts, Rosie Murphy 18pts

Wk 2 – Joan O’Dea 23pts, Esther McGuckian 20pts, Rosie Murphy 19pts

Wk 3- Mary Dunbar 23pts, Mairead Ryan 21pts, Mary Kiely 21pts



We are delighted to announce the position of Lady President, which has been vacant for the last two years due to COVID 19 and the general upheaval, has been filled for 2022. Our Captain Isobel made the announcement during the week which came with resounding good wishes for our incoming President. Ger Hallinan who has accepted the role is a past Captain and a committee member for many years with a purposeful commitment to the club and in everything that she does!! We look forward to having Ger back on the team and wish her the very best for her year, congratulations on your new appointment!!



L.Captain: Isobel Kirwan

V.Captain: Rosie Murphy

  1. President: Gerardine Hallinan

Hon.Sec: Elaine Nash

Treasurer: Mairead Ryan

H/cap Sec.: Mary Kiely

PRO: Breda Conway

Ex Officio: Anne Keane


Bernie Morrissey

Alice Collins

Gillian Cashman

Angela O’Connor

Miriam Matthews

Mary Fennell



Teams as follows:

  1. Pinot Noir – Capt. Teresa Queally
  2. Shiraz – Capt. Miriam Matthews
  3. Merlot – Capt. Ruth Hannigan

D.Chardonnay – Capt. Mairead Ryan

  1. Prosecco – Capt. Bernie Morrissey
  2. Rose – Capt. Katie Kiely


Our 10 Hole Winter League has got off to a flying start with over 70 entries in the first two weeks, showing great commitment from team managers and members. Running totals for each week are being posted by Rosie who compiled the spreadsheets for the league making it accessible to all team members via our What’sApp group, thanks a mill Rosie for weekly updates. At the moment, team B captained by Miriam are in the lead closely followed by team E and this is where the fun starts!!

Please note terms and conditions and team members for Winter League before you play which are posted in kiosk. Reminder ladies, you must enter your name and date in the book provided each time you play.



The alliance is an ideal opportunity to play other courses for €10 green fee and €10 one off registration fee payable on the first day of play. Dungarvan have agreed to start the ball rolling with our first outing on Thursday 25th November, tee from 10.00 – 11.30am. We would like to see as many beginners as possible as this is a great way to integrate with members from other clubs, and is always a lovely day out!! Please give thumbs up on our group if you would like to play.  All information and any changes to any event will be posted on our What’sApp group



Our Christmas Scramble this year takes place on Sunday 5th Dec and is very kindly sponsored by Shaws Department Stores to whom we are very grateful. We will be holding this event in conjunction with the Lion’s Club Hamper Appeal with entries being donated as part of our annual fundraiser for the cause. The drawsheet will be online and also posted in the kiosk shortly, so please add your name for a fun day out and help a worthwhile cause!! Any updates or changes will be posted on our What’sApp group.



Golf Ireland guidelines have stated that all 3 handicaps must be recorded on cards for competition and casual rounds for handicap purposes. To avoid disqualification you must record your h/cap index, playing h/cap and most importantly the course h/cap, all of these are available on the Golf Ireland app and also on screen when you log in for competitions. It is also important not to enter a zero for stableford competitions as it interferes with standard scratch, if you blank a hole just record the shots as the computer will adjust accordingly. All scores must be recorded by the marker and signed in agreement with the player before being returned no later than 30mins after you finish your round.



Ladies, if you had ever thought of taking up golf, now is the time to do it, our Lady Captain Anne and any committee member would be delighted to take out potential members and showcase our beautiful course and unrivalled scenery!! There are great deals on offer for new members and beginners including tuition, please contact our Director of Golf Irene or Brian in the kiosk on 058 44055 for more information.

The management and staff have implemented all the safety procedures to protect both staff and members who wish to play golf at the Gold Coast GC. Please keep yourself informed of new notifications within the club!


Gold Coast Golf Club, Dungarvan

Gold Coast Golf Club, Dungarvan is a championship parkland course. There are unrivaled views of Dungarvan Bay, the Irish Sea and Helvick Head. Mature tree-lined fairways laid out in 1939 are cleverly mingled with the long and challenging newer holes.

18 holes, par 72, stretching 6,204 metres [6,785 yards] and bordered by the Atlantic Ocean for 1.5 miles.

Gold Coast Golf Club

County Waterford,

Post Code: X35 P868

Tel: (058)44055


Course Status

The course is open today Saturday 27th July 2024.


Social Media

Website by: Déise Design