Gold Coast Golf Club
Ballinacourty, Dungarvan,
Co. Waterford.

Goldcoast Golf Club Notes 12th November 2023

A great evening was enjoyed by all last Friday at the annual dinner hosted in the Goldcoast Golf Resort Hotel. It was a lovely social occasion where noteworthy Men’s and Ladies Club winners were presented with the Order of merit, Golfer of the year and Matchplay awards. Club Officers, members and guests in attendance were treated to a delicious meal and it was a great night to catch up with friends in a jovial and relaxed atmosphere. Congratulations to all the winners and well done to the Officers, Committees, Sponsors, Management, staff, members and volunteers for their effort and commitment and all they do for the Club. It rounds off another great golfing year at the Goldcoast Golf Club and we look forward to another successful season ahead.

Golfer of the Year winner John White.  Order of Merit Winner David O’Connor.  Goldcoast Singles Matchplay winner John White. Singles Runner Up Michael Kavanagh.  Mick White Foursomes Winners Peter O’Keeffe & Rafa Alvarez. Runners up Michael White and Darren Power.  Mixed Foursomes Winners Peter O’Keeffe and Deirdre Ruane, Runners up John Hallinan & Insuen Kim.



Well done to our club member Darragh Power who was an integral part of the Waterford Football Club Team to win promotion in an exciting soccer game last weekend.  In a nail biting finish they sealed a Premier Division return in extra time against Cork City.  Well done Darragh and wishing you and the Blues continued success in the top flight.



The Winter League qualifying section is now up and running and will continue to Friday February 23rd, 2024. There are 8 teams of 13 players. Entry fee is €25.00. All players must have their entry fee paid before they play their first round. Daily competition fee is €7.00 for the first ten entries and €5.00 for all subsequent entries. Players can play on any day and as many times as they want during the qualifying section. The best 10 rounds from 9 players on each team will count. Substitutes are allowed during the league section and will be allocated from the top of the list of available players. The minimum period for use of the substitute will be for three weeks. A substitute will count as one with the player being replaced. The list of substitute players will be administered by the kiosk on a first in, first out basis.

A huge thank you again to our sponsor John White. It promises to be a very competitive winter league.  Scores can be viewed weekly basis on the club website news section. Best of luck to the captains and their teams.



The AGM of the Goldcoast Men’s Club will take place in the Goldcoast Hotel on Sunday December 3rd at 5.00pm. Notice of motions for the AGM must be given to the Club Secretary in writing by November 13th. Notice of nominations for Club Officers and members of the general committee must be made, in writing, to the Club Secretary by Thursday 23rd November. The sheets, showing nominations for committee and motions received for the AGM, will be posted in the kiosk shortly after November 23rd.



Winter rules are in operation.  18 Holes are in play with mats on 11 holes, placing on both fairways and rough. Please be aware of the yellow stakes around the greens to prevent damage by trollies. Please check with kiosk staff for further updates.



This competition is up and running. If you are interested in playing, please give Alan Darcy a ring on 0876987387 and he will give you all the details and add you to the WhatsApp group for further updates.



Goldcoast Golf Club warmly welcome societies and green fees and we look forward to greeting you and your friends.  Bookings are currently being taken for 2024 and our individual rates and group outing packages offer great value golf.  For favourable rates and to discuss your booking requirements contact Irene Lynch on 05844055 or



Dungarvan is a haven for golf enthusiasts with three championship golf courses located within 10 minutes of Dungarvan town, Goldcoast Golf Club, Dungarvan Golf Club and West Waterford Golf Club.  The three clubs have teamed up to offer an unbelievable discount, enjoy three games of golf, one on each of the participating golf courses, all for just €84. This special offer is available daily and is a great idea for your next golfing break.  For more information contact 058 44055 or email



Here at the Goldcoast Golf Club we have fantastic Introductory rates for new members.

Our championship golf course is maintained in excellent condition offering superb playability, with 18 holes open all year round.  Our pristine greens are much admired and the scenery is spectacular with unrivalled views of Dungarvan Bay, the Irish Sea and Helvick Head.

Members can relax in the comfortable surroundings of our hotel bar and restaurant where delicious food is served by our friendly staff.  We can also offer very attractive packages for dual membership to both the golf club and leisure centre.

New Gents member only €500 inclusive of Golf Ireland affiliation fee.
New Gents Senior (65+) only €400 inclusive of Golf Ireland affiliation fee.
New Lady member only €400 inclusive of Golf Ireland affiliation fee.
New Lady Senior (65+) only €350 inclusive of Golf Ireland affiliation fee.


For an application form or further information on our fees, please contact our Director of Golf Irene on or 058 44055



Mon 6th-Fri 10th Nov Winter League WK 2

1st Nicky Dee (14) 43

2nd Jamie Ryan (11) 43

Gross Neil Dermody (2) 39

3rd Dave Conlon (10) 42


Tues 7th Nov Open Singles S/F

1st Tony Fitzgerald (19) 40


Fri. 10th Nov Open Singles

1st Eamon Fitzgerald Mahon (10) 40pts


Sat 11th, Sun 12th Nov Winter League WK3

1st David Doc O’Connor (8) 44

2nd John White (7) 43

Cat 1 Neil Dermody (2) 41.9

Cat 2 Roy Ware (10) 42.7

Cat 3 Frank Murphy (14) 42

Cat 4 Tadhg O’Cuirin (18) 43



Mon 13th-Fri 17th Nov Winter League WK 3

Tues 14th Nov Open Singles S/F

Fr 17th Nov Open Singles S/F

Sat 18th, Sun 19th Nov Winter League WK4




10&18 Hole Winter League

10 Hole Ham Competition

10 Hole Gold Coasters Competition every Thursday

Open 18 Hole Competition for Ladies and Gents every Tue and Friday

Sun 10th Dec Christmas Scramble in aid of SERT


Winter League Results

Rd1.18 Hole – Lorraine Troy (13) 27pts

Rd1. 10 Hole – Bridge Walsh (18) 20Pts on C/B



Our Winter League this year again very kindly sponsored by The Moorings is well on the way with Rd 1 completed by both the 18 and 10 hole players despite the inclement weather.

Team Captains have been encouraging their teams on a weekly basis with some spectacular results!! Winter League will run over 8 weeks with a minimum of 5 rounds to be played by all team members. Please Note: League started on Sat 28th October Enjoy!!



Our Dinner and Awards Night took place on Friday 10th Nov in the Gold Coast Hotel with a great turnout. After a sumptuous meal served by the competent hotel staff the presentation of awards took place.

As this was the final presentation of the season, our Lady Captain Rosie opened the proceedings in welcoming everybody and spoke with pride of being a member and Captain of the club.

The ladies presentations began with Foursomes winners Esther and Mary and the runners up Martina and Breda. The winner of the Strokeplay was Fiona Howard who was presented with the inaugural John McGrath Memorial Trophy. Karen Darcy took the honours of the Golfer of the Year Trophy after a year of spectacular golf. Both ladies gave wonderful speeches and thanked everyone for the support throughout the year!!

Congratulations and well done to our ladies who received awards on the night!!

Our Captain Michael thanked his committee for their help and commitment during the year and everyone for attending such an auspicious occasion. He especially welcomed and thanked the McGrath family for their help and commitment to the club.

John White as sponsor of the Michael White Memorial Trophy spoke endearingly about his recently deceased mother Mary, who never missed a presentation. She was a wonderful lady and was an integral part of many presentation nights and will be fondly remembered by all of our members!!



Due to inclement weather we cancelled our game again, but it was decided to diversify and find alternative projects over the winter months if weather is unfavourable for golf. Stay tuned to the WhatsApp group for updates of events. All members new and longstanding are welcome to join us for golf and cuppa afterwards, a great social occasion and there is no handicap limit.



Our Christmas scramble takes place on Sunday 10th Dec from 12.30pm, dinner in the Moorings @ 5.30pm. A list will be posted in the computer room shortly for names for golf/meal or meal only. More information to follow!!



The ladies club AGM takes place on Sunday 26th November @4pm in the Gold Coast Hotel. It is vitally important for our ladies to attend, as this is the forum to inform yourself of what the Committee actually do on an annual basis and to contribute new initiatives for the betterment of the club!!

To date, we have 5 members of our committee standing down after many years of service and commitment!! We thank you all so much for your input and hard work and wish you a happy retirement and extra time for golf!!

We have some new ladies joining us and we would like to welcome you all aboard, your input will be greatly appreciated! We also have some long term Officers who

are staying on board for 2024 for which we are truly grateful!

The nomination sheet for new Officers and Committee is posted in computer room, please familiarise yourself with impending new Committee for 2024 and propose or second someone of your choice!

Looking forward to a great turnout for our AGM on Sun 26/11/23



We would like to ask our players to please repair all pitch marks, even if they are not your own!!



Our Handicap secretary and committee had a meeting last week to conduct the annual handicap review. the committee had a very productive meeting and was unanimous in it’s decisions.  Next meeting will be Feb/March 2024.



Ladies, if you had ever thought of taking up golf, now is the time to do it, our Lady Captain Rosie and any committee member would be delighted to take out potential members and showcase our beautiful course and unrivalled scenery!! There are great deals on offer for new members and beginners including tuition, please contact our Director of Golf Irene or Brian in the kiosk on 058 44055 for more information.

Gold Coast Golf Club, Dungarvan

Gold Coast Golf Club, Dungarvan is a championship parkland course. There are unrivaled views of Dungarvan Bay, the Irish Sea and Helvick Head. Mature tree-lined fairways laid out in 1939 are cleverly mingled with the long and challenging newer holes.

18 holes, par 72, stretching 6,204 metres [6,785 yards] and bordered by the Atlantic Ocean for 1.5 miles.

Gold Coast Golf Club

County Waterford,

Post Code: X35 P868

Tel: (058)44055


Social Media

Website by: Déise Design